Belly Fat Increasing After Liposuction?
The most common comment I get asked during a consultation about liposuction is “My friend says that she gained weight after liposuction, but in different places, than she did before…”
As long as you maintain your weight close to your pre-liposuction weight, you won't gain fat in new areas… But liposuction is not a “get out of jail free” card. if you fail to maintain your weight, fat will get deposited.
If you had your hips and abdomen treated with liposuction and then proceed to gain 20 pounds, that fat will deposit disproportionately to another area (breasts, buttocks, thighs).
Apparently a new study has shown that an increase in intra-abdominal fat can also occur with weight gain. But with minimal levels of activity, this is easily eliminated as a problem.