Brow lift with Facelift & Fat Injection

Brow lift with Facelift



Brow lift with Facelift



Brow lift with Facelift



Brow lift with Facelift



Natural appearing results are the goal - It should be your choice whether or not to tell people that you had surgery. Dr. Silver's patient looks refreshed after her browlift and facelift with fat injections to her cheeks. In this procedure, the excess fat in the neck is removed, the platysma (a wide flat muscle) is repaired like a corset, and the excess skin is removed. The deep layer of the face (The SMAS) was lifted and used to restore more fullness to the cheeks while also improving the appearance of the jowl. All of this was designed to help improve the contour and profile, giving her a more youthful appearing neck and face, while still looking natural.
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